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Together, The Journal 
Chapter 3: Compassion
Coming Soon - Open for Submissions till February 1st, 2025

We're calling on you to help us create Chapter 3 of Together, The Journal—themed Compassion. 

What does compassion mean to you? Is it a story? A painting? A poem? A photograph? Share your heart with us. We want to hear your stories, see your artwork, and feel your love. Submissions are open to everyone, in all languages, and can be anonymous if you’d like. Let’s start this year with empathy, connection, and understanding. Together, we can create something beautiful.

Submit via email or using the button below:


Operating Together is more than a mission—it's a movement based on humanity. We bring together Israeli and Palestinian medical professionals to optimize trauma care & build bridges toward a positive now & future. Through professional training, shared experiences, and innovative projects like Together, The Journal, we foster a community united by a common goal: improving trauma care, capacity building, sustainability, and inspiring hope for a better future. Join us in proving that even in the face of conflict, unity and humanity can prevail.

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