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To Donate

We are committed to ensuring your generous donations go directly to where they are needed most. Our goal is to provide a personal and transparent experience, allowing you to see firsthand how your contributions save lives, enhance regional care, and foster a peaceful, productive community. Thanks to our unique structure and minimal overhead costs, nearly every dollar donated is directed toward critical needs—whether it's vital trauma training or hands-on medical initiatives. Your support is deeply appreciated and makes an extraordinary impact.


Instructions for Donation via Credit Card

Step 1: 

Step 2: 

Step 3:

Click here to access PEF webpage where you can make your contribution online through a wire transfer. 

Once on the PEF webpage, click Donate Now. Choose the amount you would like to contribute and fill out your details. 

Click here to email your donation confirmation, please clarify your donation is for Operating Together. 

Instructions for Donation via Check

Step 1: 

Send a check payable to: 
P.E.F Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

Step 2: 

On check recommend that funds:
be used for Friends of Edith Wolfson Medical Center, ID# 58-0022507

Please also specify on the check - for Operating Together

Step 3:

Send to address:
PEF Israel the Endowment Funds, Inc.
630 Third Ave, RM 1500
New York NY 10017, USA


Operating Together is more than a mission—it's a movement based on humanity. We bring together Israeli and Palestinian medical professionals to optimize trauma care & build bridges toward a positive now & future. Through professional training, shared experiences, and innovative projects like Together, The Journal, we foster a community united by a common goal: improving trauma care, capacity building, sustainability, and inspiring hope for a better future. Join us in proving that even in the face of conflict, unity and humanity can prevail.

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