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Support Our Mission

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Your support is crucial for us to succeed. Any help given goes directly to where it is needed most to help us succeed in this mission together. We are thankful for any contribution to our mission. On behalf of Operating Together, thank you!

To make your tax-deductible donation from the United States please follow these instructions: 

1. Click Donate Now
2. Choose Amoun
3. Fill out Details

4. Email Confirmation to - Clarify donation for Operating Together

1. Send a check payable to: 
P.E.F Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

2. On check recommend that funds:
be used for Friends of Edith Wolfson Medical Center, ID# 58-0022507
Please also specify on th
e check - for Operating Together

3. Send to address:
PEF Israel the Endowment Funds, Inc.
630 Third Ave, RM 1500
New York NY 10017, USA


Updated: Mar 25, 2023

Those who have made a significant donation (over $10,000)

-2022- Project Rozana - thank you for making the pilot happen, for being a trailblazer in helping all of this happen, & your continual support

-2022-2023 Rotary International - for a year of ALTS courses & our inaugural conference... priceless support from a truly humanitarian effort & organization

-2023+ A deep gratitude & thank you to the The Ori and Galia Reiss Family Fund for their extremely generous donation to help take us into our next project focusing on working together, humanity, & the people-to-people connections that will make a true positive impact in our region

- Thank you to Aaron & Hannah Tracy for their very generous donation, Aaron has been one of my closes friends for over 35 years...

-Thank you Armony Foundation for their generous donation to help make our first conference the absolute highest quality

-Thank you to the team from ELDAN for helping our conference occur, and sharing / demonstrating their quality ultrasounds & extremely knowledgeable & friendly team!

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